Saturday, January 29, 2011

Max's style 01.27.11

Thursday was my birthday and I got an added surprise snow-day off!  I spent the day with Max and was able to sneak in a photoshoot.  I am really overdue on Max's posts and still have a bunch of pictures to share but I just haven't gotten around to it.  I am not even sure how many weeks old Max is at this point!  He will be 5 months on February 4th.  I think we are beyond keeping track of his age in weeks.  I can't believe it has already been nearly 5 months.  He is learning so much lately.  We joke that he goes to school everyday and he always comes home with something new that he has picked up from the big kids.  He loves to blow raspberries and his most favorite thing in the whole world is jumping.  We went out and bought him one of the jumpers that hangs from the door jam.  He first learned to jump at school and now he can't get enough of it.  He is also talking up a storm and loves to laugh.  He is such a little ham.  He is gaining weight like a champ.  He is well over 14 pounds now.  We have completely hit our stride with breastfeeding and I can finally say that I love it.  I love our time together and we have become very efficient at it.   So here are his newest photos.  Enjoy!

pirate sweater- Baby Gap
grey and black striped pants- Baby Gap
Vans socks- Marshalls

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