Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Max's style 05.02.11 (and 8 months old)

As I sit here writing this, Max is passed out from a long day at school on his daddy.  They are breathing (snoring) in sync and both have the same expression their face, complete and total bliss.  I guess that is what happens when there is no where else you would rather be and no one else you would rather be with.  I am feeling like one lucky person right now...

Tomorrow, Max will be 8 months old.  Eight whole months have passed since this little guy first entered our world.  In that time, he has learned so much.  I think the thing he has learned the best is how to smile.  He has the absolute best temperament, making it so easy to include him in all that we do.  I think my most favorite sound is the sound of him laughing.  He really gets going now and it is completely and utterly infectious.  And the best part is making him laugh.  He thinks that Damien and I are oh so funny.  He loves all of the crazy songs that we are constantly making up and singing to him.  When I was little, my dad was always coming up with funny songs that he would sing to us.  I think I must have gotten that gene from him.

Just before Max was born, Damien bought him these Automoblox.  He couldn't wait until Max was here so he could enjoy them.  Well, right now, he enjoys putting them in his mouth, which we had to put an end to since we were afraid of small pieces coming off.  So I guess it will be a bit longer before Max truly gets to enjoy them.  

We are in the process of booking a trip to Ireland in August.  We will be taking Max and going with some good friends and their baby boy, who is just shy of 3 months older than Max.  We are super excited to be able to make this trip with him and to be able to share the experience with some of our closest friends.  In honor of that trip, we bought Max this hat.  He needed something to protect his fair skin since he spends a good portion of the day outside at daycare.  But I have to admit, he looks pretty darn cute in his Irish cap.

Irish cap- Babies R Us
motorcycle shirt and pants- Target
socks- Marshalls

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